Equine Assisted Therapy for At-Risk Youth Participant Application

Please complete this form as honestly and completely as possible. All information you provide will be confidential as required by State and Federal Law.

Are you filling out this application for yourself or someone else?

If filling this Application out for someone else, what is your relationship to the applicant?




How long has the applicant been experiencing mental health challenges?

What types of symptoms has the applicant experienced in the last 30 days?

Has the applicant seen a counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist or any other mental health professional before?

Is the applicant CURRENTLY taking any PSYCHIATRIC medication?

Has the applicant taken any PSYCHIATRIC medication in the past?

Has the applicant been hospitalized for psychiatric reasons?

Has the applicant ever attempted suicide?

Is the applicant CURRENTLY under treatment for any medical condition?



Is the applicant's father living or deceased?

How would you describe the applicant's relationship with his/her father? Check all that apply.


Is the applicant's mother living or deceased?

How would you describe the applicant's relationship with his/her mother? Check all that apply.


What is the applicant's current living situation?


Has the applicant been expelled from school?

Does the applicant have a history of disciplinary problems in school?

What kind of grades is/was the applicant most recently getting in school?


Has the applicant been arrested?


Does the applicant have a history of alcohol use?

Does the applicant currently use alcohol?

Does the applicant have a history of drug use?

Does the applicant currently use drugs?

How do you prefer to be contacted by us?

Which of the following upcoming sessions is the applicant interested in? Check all that apply.

Please indicate any areas the applicant may experience difficulty, have limitations, or may require assistance.