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Sorensen Park Dressage Schooling Show and USEF Western Dressage Lite

June 22, 2019

This is located under Health Requirements in this Prize List.

My (our) signature on the entry form signifies that I (we) have read the prize list, the General Information & Rules and both sides of the entry form and agree to be bound by them.

Schooling Show Fee Schedule
Class fees are listed on the class list

$10 Additional charge for non online entries
$18 Office Fee
$37 Stabling Fee per day
$25 REQUIRED Stall cleaning deposit/wood shavings (separate check)
$30 REQUIRED Stall cleaning deposit/straw shavings (separate check!)
$9 Shavings/bag (may vary depending on current market value)
$27 Show out of trailer fee (per day per horse)
$25 Overnight hookup/day (RV or Camper)
$40 Non-compete fee/day (for horses not entered in any classes)
$10 Late Fee
$30 Returned check fee
$15 Change Fee (Any change to entry)

NOTE: Competitors are responsible for stripping their stalls. If stalls are not stripped, the deposit fee will be forfeited! This facility prefers no straw, but if used, a $30 stall clean up (deposit) fee will be charged.

$35 TURN OUT PEN – per day

TURN OUT PENS may be available on a first come (first paid) / first served basis. The rental of a turn out pen must be in addition to a stall rental. Turn out pens may not be used instead of stalls. Management will not be responsible for any damage, injury, or illness that may occur to any horses using the turnout facilities. Owners and/or competitors will be held responsible for any damage to turnout facilities including fencing, gates and shelters.

Contact Us
Phone: 262-642-4111

Email: shows@sorensenpark.com

Sorensen Equestrian Park LLC
W1700 St. Peters Rd, East Troy, WI 53120

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U.S. Equestrian Federation rules are in force upon entrance to the show grounds, including rules pertaining to conduct, attire, correct equipment and saddlery.


All questions not covered in these rules and regulations shall be decided by the show management whose decision shall be final.

Every horse entered for competition will comply with the rules of the horse show management, but management will, in no case, be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur, and it shall be condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold this horse show and the officials and employees of the show blameless for any loss or accident to his horse, employees, equipment, which may occur from sickness, fire or otherwise.

The management reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally, or to cancel any entries, disqualify any riders or exhibitors, prohibit entries and cancel award prizes without claims for damages; to cancel or combine unfilled classes, or to reschedule classes after due notice to exhibitors; to change rings or rotate judges.

Exhibitors are notified that any act of discourtesy or disobedience to the judges or officials, on the part of the owner, manager, rider, or groom shall disqualify the horse, and the owner shall forfeit his entry fee and other fees.

Show management reserves to itself the power to prohibit any person from attending or showing a horse in the ring and to remove any groom or horse from the show without being liable for compensation.

In accordance with the 1989 Federal Waste Tracking Act, which restricts the disposal of medical waste, bio-hazardous medical waste containers will be provided in the stable area. All exhibitors and their agents are responsible for the proper disposal of this waste.

No person will be allowed in the show ring during the time of judging except the exhibitor and those having official or requested duties to perform.

It is the tradition of the show that riders be correctly attired for the class in question, that attendants be neatly dressed and the horses properly presented. Management may in its discretion bar any person from entering the ring if not suitable presented to appear before an audience.

Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $30 Show Pass fee. Participants in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10) USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes.


Cancelations: :Please call and let us know if you are cancelling so we may make adjustments to the schedule.

No Shows: “A No show” will be considered a scratch for the rest of the show and time slots may be filled unless special prior arrangements are made with show management. Exhibitors enter with this understanding and agreement.

Many shows are held at Sorensen Equestrian Park LLC each year. PLEASE BE SURE TO PUT CORRECT SHOW NAME, DATE AND CLASS NUMBERS ON ENTRIES. All email addresses must be clearly printed and legible.

Proof of membership: If entering the show electronically, USEF and USDF registrations are verified electronically if valid, correct, and legible membership numbers are provided on the entry form. Copies of USEF and USDF memberships, horse recordings, and HIDs must be included with your entry if it is mailed. Ponies participating in the National Dressage Pony tests must provide a copy of their official measurement certificate or pay the fee and have their pony measured at the show.

Entry Fees: Send in entries as soon as possible to assure entry to the show. To be accepted, entries must be complete, correct, signed, and received by the closing dates. Entries must be accompanied by full payment in order to be processed. Each competitor is responsible for supplying the show management with the correct and required association numbers of USEF and /or USDF for the horse, owner, rider, trainer, and coaches before the day(s) of the competition. An entry form is required for each horse/rider combination for each show. Entries must be signed by the owner/agent, the trainer, and by all riders/handlers, and for breed shows all assistant handlers. Juniors (under 18) may not sign the entry form. Exhibitors are responsible for their own errors and those of their agents in the preparation of entry blanks. The scores of competitors who fail to supply correct numbers may not count towards awards, including national awards. Proof of membership must be included with entry form. Please provide the USEF/USDF Master Verification (www.eqverification.org) or the actual membership/registration cards or photocopies of them. Failure to provide proof of USEF and/or USDF membership will result in competitor being charged non-member fees. Members that are unable to produce the USDF membership cards/registrations or a photocopy will be asked to sign an affidavit and pay an affidavit fee. Packets/exhibitor numbers will not be released until all entries are complete.

Late Entries / SUPER LATE Entries / Post Entries/Changes are provided as a special service to competitors when available at the discretion of management. A late entry is any entry received after the published closing date even if closing date is changed.. Late entries will be assessed a late entry fee of $20 (per show). A SUPER LATE fee of $30 per show will be charged to any entry received after Saturday the week before the show. Post entries will be allowed, if time is available, at an additional charge of $15 plus normal class fee (per class added at the show). Time changes, not the fault of management, incur a $5 additional fee for each change. A change of Rider or Horse in accordance with USEF Rule XV, Article 1506, will be accepted for an additional $20 fee.

Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Championship Qualifying : Q in class description means Official Qualifying Class for Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Championship Qualifying Enter Q and pay additional $15 USDF fee to have score entered as Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Championship Qualifying. No awards for Qualifying Rides.

Confirmation of entries will be emailed. If you don’t receive a confirmation of your entry, please call Reid Sorensen at 262-642-4111 immediately. We may not have received your entry! All email addresses must be clearly printed and legible.

Pony Measurement: Ponies entered in the National Dressage Pony tests and in need of USEF measurement cards must make an appointment for measuring with show management prior to the show. The official measurement session will be scheduled for 7:00 AM Thursday for a Thursday/Friday show, 7:00 AM Friday for a Friday/Saturday show and 7:00 AM Saturday for a Saturday show. Owners of ponies needing measurement will be charged a fee not to exceed $100. An official veterinarian is required for the measurement as per USEF rules.

Non-Compete Horses: Every horse arriving on the show grounds must have a signed entry form, a current negative Coggins Test, and documentation of Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus (Rhinopneumonitis) vaccinations within six months in accordance with USEF GR 845 (Equine vaccination rule) prior to entering Sorensen Park stables and pay all necessary fees including stall or grounds fees. The Non-compete fee is $40 per day for each day the Non-compete horse is on the grounds.

Make checks payable to: Sorensen Equestrian Park LLC.
Mail all entries to:
Reid Sorensen
W1700 St Peters Road, East Troy, WI 53120

NSF Check Policy: There will be a $50 penalty each time a check is presented to our bank and returned due to insufficient funds. Violators will be reported to USEF. Guaranteed funds will be required of violators in the future.

Riding Times: Unofficial, provisional ride times will be posted on Sorensen Park’s website. Riders will be notified by email when ride times are posted on the web page. It is the responsibility of the rider to inform the show management of any time conflicts as soon as possible after the posting of provisional ride times. Adequate time intervals cannot be guaranteed when rider has entered multiple horses or if a horse has more than 1 rider.

Official ride times will be posted in the show office by noon of the day preceding the start of the show.

Announcements: Class announcements and ride time announcements are a courtesy to the exhibitor. Exhibitors are responsible for presenting themselves to the correct ring at their designated time and accept full responsibility for doing so. Show management will make every effort to maintain a working public address system, but it is stressed that it is still the exhibitor’s responsibility to be on time. No protest will be upheld, nor any ride time changed, on the basis of a public address system breakdown, missed announcement, or failure of the exhibitor to meet their responsibilities Ring stewards will also make every effort to keep people informed and entering the ring in a timely fashion. Exhibitors are responsible for knowing the correct show time and their scheduled performance time, regardless of public address system announcements or ring stewards.

Arrival Time: Arrival time is from noon on the day prior to the start of the show, to 7 pm on the last day of the show. Anyone using a stall before or after the above times will incur an additional charge of $25 ($15 for Schooling Show) per 24 hour period or part thereof and must notify Reid Sorensen (262) 642-4111

Health Requirements:

Coggins (EIA): An Original Negative Coggins (EIA) Report listing the horses recorded show name and dated within the current calendar year must be presented on the day of the show before any horse may be unloaded. Coggins Report must be legible. In addition, a photocopy of the current Negative Coggins Report is required with your entry form. The State of Wisconsin requires a health certificate current within 30 days for all horses entering the state.

Competition management may request that horses not in compliance with vaccination requirements leave the competition grounds.


GR845 Equine Vaccination Rule

1. At Federation licensed competitions horses, more than 7 months of age, entering the grounds must be accompanied by documentation of Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus (Rhinopneumonitis) vaccinations within six months prior to entering the stables. Horses not in compliance with this rule may be required to leave the competition grounds upon request by Competition Management. Documentation should consist of one of the following methods mentioned below. The frequency of vaccine administration should be per the vaccine manufacturers’ or veterinarian’s recommendations. It is recommended that vaccines are administered by or under the direction of a veterinarian.

2. In the case of vaccines administered by a veterinarian, the exhibitor, upon request by Competition Management, must provide documentation from the veterinarian on documenting that the horse in question received the vaccinations; name of the vaccines and date of vaccine administration.

3. In the case of vaccines administered by a person other than a veterinarian, the exhibitor, upon request by Competition Management, must provide a receipt of the vaccine purchase which is signed by the owner, or agent with care, custody, and control of the horse; name, serial number and expiration date of the vaccine; and date of vaccine administration.

4. In the case of a horse that is unable to receive either of the vaccinations due to a history of adverse reactions, the exhibitor, upon request by Competition Management, must provide a letter from the veterinarian on official letterhead stating that the horse in question cannot be vaccinated due to medical concerns and a log of temperatures taken twice daily for the seven days prior to entering the competition grounds. These horses must also have their temperature taken and logged twice daily while on the competition grounds. The log of temperatures should be provided to the Competition Management, steward, or technical delegate when requested.

5. Competition Management may not amend or enhance vaccination requirements without prior approval of the Veterinary Committee.

GR1305 Elimination & Withdrawal from Classes & Competition (See also GR118)

1. No exhibitor may withdraw horses from a Licensed Competition after it has commenced, or remove them from the competition grounds, without the permission of the competition secretary.

2. If an exhibitor voluntarily removes a horse from the ring without the permission of the judge, the Show Committee will disqualify the exhibitor and all his entries from all future classes at that competition and all prizes and entry fees for the entire competition will be forfeited.

Arenas: There are 2 all-weather sand competition arenas (20 x 60 meters) and a sand warm up (100’ x 250’). Tests so approved by USEF may be held in the small arena if needed.

Schooling: Lunging is allowed only in designated lunging areas. Mounted schooling is not permitted in the same area as lunging. Lunging is not permitted in the competition arenas.

You are treated fairly at Sorensen Park. Sorensen Park has the best and fairest refund policy for horses or riders who are unable to compete

Before closing date: With written cancellation before closing date a refund will be given for all fees minus the office fee and change fees

After closing date: With written cancellation and presentation of an equine practitioner’s veterinary certificate or upon presentation of a medical doctor’s certificate confirming injury a competitor has two choices: 1) A credit to future shows or 2) a refund. If the competitor chooses to receive a credit they will receive a credit for entry fees, stall, or grounds fees, and USEF and USDF fees. Credit will be given towards the May, June III, July I, August III, and October or Schooling Shows. If the competitor chooses to receive a refund they will receive a refund for entry fees, USEF, and USDF fees. Office fees, late entry fees, and change fees are non-refundable. The stall will be relinquished in any case.

No refunds for filled scratches. The office fee, late entry fees, change fee, and ground fees are nonrefundable.

Wait list entries that are not accepted will receive a full refund. Wait list exhibitors who are contacted and accept are fully responsible financially to the show.

No refunds due to weather, acts of God, emergencies, or accidents. The overhead of running the show still exists even when you cannot trailer your horse to the show. Please call and let us know that you are cancelling so we may make adjustments to the schedule.

Hazardous Weather/Acts of God/Accidents/Emergency Policy: Management reserves the right to cancel any classes due to hazardous weather, Acts of God, accidents, or emergencies. Every effort will be made to reschedule with priority given to Championship or qualifying classes that are offered. There will be no refunds for cancellation due to weather, Acts of God, accidents, or emergencies.


Stabling: Bedding is not included in stall fee, but may be purchased at the show. Stabling consists of excellent, permanent, indoor 10 x 12 matted stalls with gate. Additional temporary stalls (10 x 10) may be added if necessary.

Stabling and Tack Stall requests will be honored, when possible, but are not guaranteed. Show management reserves the right to make any changes which in management’s sole opinion are needed for the safe and efficient conduct of the competition including, but not limited to adjusting stall and tack stall requests and assignments as necessary. .

Stabling Groups: Please use one unique name for stabling groups. The Show Secretary can’t match up people when different names are used. Those making no requests will be considered as having no preference.

Stalls: There are to be ABSOLUTELY NO NAILS OR SCREW EYES IN METAL OR WOOD. Do not deface or damage the stalls in any way. Competitors are responsible for stall damage including pawing and chewing and will be charged for repair or replacement.

Stallions: Anyone bringing a stallion is responsible for bringing suitable equipment to close off the stall, if necessary. Stallions must have a permanent stall.

Bedding: Initial bedding will not be provided. Bring your own bedding or purchase it at the show $9.00/bag (or current market price). Competitors are responsible for stripping their stalls. If stalls are NOT COMPLETELY STRIPPED, the $25 deposit will be forfeited. The facility prefers no straw, but if used, a $30.00 stall clean up (deposit) fee will be charged.

Trailers: are to be parked in designated parking areas only.

Campers & RV’s: Check with show management on where to park.

Miscellaneous Class Information:

Awards: Ribbons to 6 places for classes. Divisions: (JR/AA/Open) may be run concurrently as one class. Divisions will be pinned separately. Classes that do not specifically designate divisions in class list are offered in Open division only. Management may split Open divisions into JR, AA, and/or Open divisions in classes with Open divisions only. No separate awards for GAIG Qualifying classes.

Freestyle Entry: In order to enter a freestyle class of any level, a horse/rider combination must have received a minimum score of 60% in the highest test of the declared freestyle level or any test of a higher level at a Federation Licensed or FEI recognized Dressage Competition or “open” Dressage class (i.e. open to all breeds) at a Federation Licensed Competition held prior to the competition where the horse/rider combination is entered to ride a freestyle class. A photocopy of the test verifying eligibility must be submitted with the entry for a freestyle class. If you have further questions about this rule, please contact Hannah Niebielski at USEF.

Freestyle Music: Music must be clearly labeled with entry name, number, and music directions. Music must be delivered to the announcer at check in.

Sound checks will be done at the morning break on each day of the show. It is the competitors responsibility to notify management that they want a sound check and to be present at the show office just before the morning break .

You are encouraged to designate an assistant to direct the playing of your music. Music must be picked up following the class. Music that is not picked up will not be mailed.

Dressage Seat Equitation:

The USEF/USDF Dressage Seat Medal Program, for riders ages 18 and under, celebrates excellence in equitation and strives to develop a solid foundation for future success in the dressage arena. Riders wishing to qualify for the USEF Dressage Seat Medal Finals must compete in the USDF Dressage Seat Medal Semi-Finals held at the Great American Group/USDF Regional Championships. To qualify for the USDF Dressage Seat Medal Semi-Finals, a competitor must earn a qualifying score of 70% or above in any eligible Dressage Seat Equitation class (except walk/trot) held at a USEF-licensed/USDF Recognized dressage competition during the qualifying period or by qualifying for theGgreat American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Championships. The top two placing riders in the Semi-Finals are automatically invited to the Finals.


Rider Tests: The new Rider Tests have been created to evaluate the skill of the rider in relationship to the requirements of each level (Training, First, or Second Levels) without giving extra credit for the horse’s gaits, impulsion and submission. Riders receive helpful evaluations to use in improving their riding skills. The correct application of the aids, correct riding biomechanics and the accurate geometry of the figures are evaluated. The rider’s position, the correct and effective use of aids, the horse’s response and performance, the accuracy of the exercises and the harmony between rider and horse are evaluated by the judge who gives a written commentary that can be used to help the rider improve and progress. The intent of these tests is to help riders measure their progress. The Rider Tests and/or their scores are not required to progress through the levels.

Horses ONLY entered in these classes:
• a. ARE exempt from the Federation fee including the Equine Drugs and Medication fee.
• b. ARE NOT required to have either a USEF or a USDF Horse Identification (HID) or Recording Number,but
• c. ARE required to list the HID or Recording Number if the horse has been assigned this number.
Horses entered only in these classes are still subject to and must comply with the Drugs & Medication Rules and are subject to drug testing.
Riders and owners entered only in these classes are exempt from both USEF/USDF membership requirements and are not required to pay a non-member fee but are required to list the Federation membership number if the participant is a member. No horse ID’s are required.
All USEF Dressage Division (DR) rules apply including dress and saddlery requirements and applicable USEF general rules.
Opportunity classes:
• a. Do not count towards Horse of the Year Awards.
• b. Cannot be used as qualifying classes for the Great American/USDF Regional Championships.
• c. Cannot be used as a qualifying class for any championship class at the competition.
• d. Cannot be considered in reckoning competition championship awarded on points.
Horses entered in Opportunity classes MAY cross enter into the rated/recognized classes at the same competition. If cross entered all applicable fees and membership requirements apply.


HEAD GEAR: Traditional Dressage – All riders at all levels are required to wear approved helmets anytime when on a horse on the show grounds. DR120.6.

Western Dressage – Helmets are optional apparel in Western Dressage and highly encouraged for competitors of all ages. Protective headgear is acceptable and not required to be of Western Style. Suitable Western Hats are also allowed. WD122

Exhibitors are reminded that entering a horse in classes differing by more than one dressage level is prohibited.

Exhibitors are reminded that a horse must wear its number whenever it is out of its stall.

Whips: One whip no longer than 47.2 inches or 120 cm, including lash.

SMOKING in or around the stables or barn is strictly prohibited. Willful violators may be barred from grounds.

Medications: Exhibitors are strongly encouraged to know USEF rules that govern drugs and medications and use extreme caution before medicating any horse. Questions concerning the use of medications or questions regarding Rule IV should be directed to the USEF Equine Drugs and Medications Program 956 King Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212 – Phone: (800) 633-2472. Fax 614-299-7706 – Email: medequestrian@aol.com – www.usef.org

Sharps Disposal/Medical Waste Disposal: Red sharps containers are located at the intersection of the cross aisle with each main aisle of the stables. All exhibitors and their agents are responsible for the proper disposal of needles or other sharp disposable instruments and medical waste. Per USEF rules, competition management may fine any individual including trainers, owners, exhibitors, or their agents up to $100 for improper disposal of needles or other sharp disposable instruments.

CONCESSIONS: A concession stand is located near the spectator pavilion. Please note that their hours of operation may be limited as allowed in a level 2 show.

Dogs: Please DO NOT bring dogs or other animals. If you must bring a dog (or any other animal) it must be kept on a short leash (less than 6 feet) attached to a responsible adult at all times while on show grounds including in the stable area. Dogs may not be tied to stalls or obstruct the aisle in any way. Dogs must be kept quiet. Owners may be fined. Non-compliance may result in USEF penalties.


WARNING: Under the Equine Liability Act, each participant who participates in an equine activity expressly assumes the risks of engaging in and legal responsibility for injury, loss, or damage to persons, or property resulting from the risk of equine activities. Horses by their inherent nature present a risk. SORENSEN EQUESTRIAN PARK LLC and/or its representatives, including but not limited to the show, the management, the show committee, employees, and volunteers will not be responsible in any way for any loss or damage or injury to horses exhibited or on show grounds or for any article of any kind that may be lost, destroyed, damaged or in any way injured. Each exhibitor will be responsible for any injury that may be occasioned to any person, whomsoever, by any horse owned or exhibited by said exhibitor and shall indemnify the show, the management, the show committee, employees, and volunteers, the USEF and USDF or any member thereof, against all claims and demands, of any nature or kind, that may grow out of any injury occasioned by any horses owned or exhibited by them, or arise from the negligence of the person in charge of any such horse. All horses exhibited in this show participate entirely at the owner’s risk. Neither the organizing committee, show volunteers, show staff, the facility or its owners, any host GMO, USEF or USDF or their members will be responsible for any damage, injury, or loss to persons, horses, or property of exhibitors or spectators. Any and all legal action will take place in or near Elkhorn, Wisconsin. All owners, trainers and competitors are personally responsible for damages to third parties caused by themselves, their employees, their agents or their horses. They are therefore strongly advised to take out third party insurance providing full coverage for participation in equestrian events at home and abroad, and to keep the policy up to date.

Important Notice To All Affected Parties: Third parties may come upon the property or enter the facilities where any herein described or listed event will occur, provided that this is a license to enter the premises, for the purpose of observing or participating in the event, but not otherwise, and such license to any individual is subject to revocation by the owner, lessee or organizer, and entry for any purpose other than granted herein, shall be deemed criminal trespass and subject to appropriate legal proceedings.

Motorized Vehicles: (USEF GR1301.7) Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. The parent(s), legal guardian(s), or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with USEF rules Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule.